Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Jenn the Homemaker

The results are in:
- They're even
- They block any peeping tom's
I guess you could say it was a success!
Thanks for making me a real homemaker, mom.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Today we had such a wonderful Sacrament meeting. Tracy Riley gave a talk on charity. She had the most amazing quote by Elder Ashton. I loved it. I copied it down and wanted to share it with you. At this time of year when we start thinking about goals and what not, it is a wonderful bit of food for thought.
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting some one's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of an other's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other."
Love and appreciate all that you do for us and each other. Our family is so blessed. Hope you are enjoying this lovely time of year when the hustle and bustle is suspended for a moment, and the new year has not yet been born.
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting some one's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of an other's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other."
Love and appreciate all that you do for us and each other. Our family is so blessed. Hope you are enjoying this lovely time of year when the hustle and bustle is suspended for a moment, and the new year has not yet been born.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Holiday Highlights

Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Reasons I love my FAMILY
I know I know ..."Tracie is actually posting on the Lewis girls website" but it's happening so everybody pick your chin up off the ground and be impressed. My little Sis Liz made a list of reasons why she loves mom and it inspired me to list some things that i love about my family.
- Mom reading her Book of Mormon every day. Without fail even if it's while blow drying her hair in the morning. I relied on her testimony as a child but I always knew her love for the gosepl. She's not a "sunday-Mormon" she lives her religion EVERYDAY and has taught us girls to do the same.
- Bill "make believe" past life experiences. IE..when he was a black CIA female Agent.
- Lindsay being the little "craft-Momma." she always has cute little holiday ideas to entertain the kiddies and interact with them. She is SO organized!!!
- I love being an Aunt so thanks to my sisters for having such cute and wonderfully fun children. I feel so blessed to know that our Heavenly Father intrusted them into our families and thank him everyday for their little faces. We are RICH in blessings.
- When i come to Utah i try and spend as much time with mom as possible; since we share time with my in-laws, so I love our little "driving-talks" while running errands. it makes me feel like I've spent a lot more time with her on my short trips back home.
- Jen's love of Animals and Nature. I won't be surprised if she finds a way to have the goat she wants at her apartment. (i don't think you can get a Dr's note for that though. :))
- Fun road trip with Liz to MA! She is great navigator, map in one hand and her cell phone in the other when we got lost. We had a blast learning about revolutionary war locations and scoping out ivy league colleges.
- Diet coke with lime runs to dairyann with mom. It still makes me smile when we tried to figure out which one still had the lime in it by looking at the bottom of the styrofoam cup.
- Mom always keeping the sabbath day holy when we were kids and then running to Smiths at 12:01am on Monday morning for goodies. (IE licorice and chocolate)
- "WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!" Thanks to Bill my son now says "Oh my WORD!!" instead of a new phrase he learned at the babysitters.
- "Lewis girls take NYC!!!" Prego Jen hanging from the tree branches, liz making friends on the scary subway, mom trying to kiss a pix of Sam Waterson, and Lindsay being told how cute her coat is by every gay passing man. AHHH memories!
- Still talking on the phone everyday to at least 2 of my 3 sisters. & of course MOM.
- Bill teaching spencer to wave with his hand under his chin. (he still does that by the way)
- Comedian husbands who surprisingly get a long with each other. (mostly)
- Spontaneous movie night with mom to see Mamma Mia and then liz to see Twilight.
- Loving Grandparents who were always involved in our lives. Especially Grandpa Ole making us wear baseball hats while driving long distances to hide the fact that we were girls in order to keep us safe. And of course him threatening any boy who ever broke our young teenage hearts.
- You are all so cute with my little Spencer. He loves his Aunts and prays for you often.
- Parents who encourage education and believing in us when we are at our lowest point.
- Bill's stories & laugh. I still laugh at the gay taxi story in Hawaii. I love watching movies with Bill that i know he'll think are funny because his laugh is contagious.
- Memories; whether they be childhood or adult, my home is wherever my sisters and parents are. I love you guys so much and am grateful for you everyday. I am so blessed to know that i can be a part of your life into the Eternities.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Finally finished

Well mom, I finally finished the project you gave me when London was born. It's only taken 7 weeks. TADA! Thanks for all the help (and supplies!!) It has been tons of fun, well, kind of. Ok, learning hasn't been too fun, but the final project is cute and I'm glad I did it. I can't wait to start on the new project you sent me!! Maybe not until after Christmas, though...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Where's the Fudge????
I have not tried this recipe, but the person I got it from has a wonderful reputation for being a great candy maker.
In large heavy pan, mix:
4 1/2 C. sugar
1- 13 oz. can evaporated milk
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, but keep boiling. Stir constantly for 8 minutes then pour into a mixing bowl containing:
2- 12 oz. packages milk chocolate chips
1= 12 oz. package semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 squares butter (not margarine) cut up
Beat until smooth
Add 1 lb. package mini-marshmallows
Beat until smooth. Add nuts if desire.
Pour into a buttered 9x13 pan (I line the cake pan with buttered aluminum foil. When the fudge is set, I remove the foil from the cake pan and the fudge is easier to cut).
In large heavy pan, mix:
4 1/2 C. sugar
1- 13 oz. can evaporated milk
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, but keep boiling. Stir constantly for 8 minutes then pour into a mixing bowl containing:
2- 12 oz. packages milk chocolate chips
1= 12 oz. package semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 squares butter (not margarine) cut up
Beat until smooth
Add 1 lb. package mini-marshmallows
Beat until smooth. Add nuts if desire.
Pour into a buttered 9x13 pan (I line the cake pan with buttered aluminum foil. When the fudge is set, I remove the foil from the cake pan and the fudge is easier to cut).
Friday, December 12, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thanks for our presents!
My kids

A few things I have learned from being a parent of 2:
That the dishes do not have to be done before I go to bed
I do not get to shower every day
That I have no control, no matter what I think
People with more than 2 kids are AMAZING (if not insane??)
I never EVER want big boobs
Sometimes you have to let them cry
The laundry is never done
When one child sleeps well, the other is up all night
I am so grateful Max was potty trained before London was born
I always need my mom
we have WAY too many toys
Max doesn't think he has enough toys
I don't have enough patience
I have GREAT friends
I have amazing sisters who have "been there"
That when London is asleep, I would way rather play with Max than clean my house
There is not enough diet coke in the world...
For Mom...
Because you're not feeling well... And because Amanda Ainscough did it on her blog... And because I love you... And because you don't get terribly upset that I spend so much time with my boyfriend instead of talking to you about him... And because I feel bad about that...
Twenty reasons why I love you!
1. You text. A lot.
2. Watching Law&Order isn't the same when you're not around.
3. You don't ground me.
4. You tell me I'm pretty.
5. You've taught me amazing grammar skills.
6. You make me laugh when you text me from Nordstrom and say, "I think I'll just get you a nice blender."
7. You have such good advice, even if I don't want to take it.
8. You trust me.
9. You ratted my hair once and thought it was hilarious.
10. You take such good care of your crazy parents so that we don't have to, even though we should be more helpful...
11. You make my turkey bacon the way that I like it.
12. You humor me when I'm being silly.
13. You're going to teach me how to quilt, whether I like it or not, aren't you?
14. The most beautiful little almost-three-year-old is obsessed with you and it's the funniest thing to watch.
15. You drive an AMAZING car.
16. You could sell your bread and make millions.
17. You have impeccable taste in clothing.
18. You're consistent.
19. You're always there when I need you.
20. You're pretty!
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