This is a picture of my life! On this day Jenn, Kate, Johnny, and I were visiting Mom and Dad. Kate was in the bathroom. Jenn was in the bedroom and couldn't see her. Jenn started to holler for her. Kate replied, "Yes Mommie". I could see Kate, but Jenn couldn't. Kate had gone potty by herself, and Jenn asked her if she had her clothes on. Kate said that she did. Jenn asked her if she was naked, and she said that no she wasn't. Jenn asked her if she had her shirt on, and she said that yes she did. She asked if she had her pants on, and she said that no, she didn't have her pants on. She answered truthfully to all of the questions. The question that Jenn didn't know to ask her was "Are you playing with Ida's "depends"? Kate thought she would put on an adult diaper for a change, and she was trying to put her cute little naked bum into a diaper that was bigger than she is. Notice the nervous look on Johnny's face. You should have seen the nervous look on Jenn's face!
Last Friday night I waited up for Liz to get home from a late movie. It was after one when she got home. At 2:30 Ally woke us up to go outside. At 5:15 AM Mom called because men were running through her house and she didn't know what to do. (I thought about telling her that they were the husbands of all of the caregivers chasing Dad, but decided not to). At 7 AM I texted Liz to wake her up. She wasn't ready to get up, so I became her snooze alarm. By 8 Kate was looking for Papa and Wamma.
How many ways can you make a sandwich?? I don't know, but I sure do love all of the bread!!
And lucky you, we'll be there soon to add to your drama!
That is too funny. Poor Johnny. Poor mommy. You letting Ida hold Johnny (aka buddah boy) was almost as fun as you wanting JONAH to hold him when he was like, 4 weeks old. On the cement. Out front...
Yes, he is a strong boy. But not bullet proof!
I am amazed at all you do. You have so much on your plate. You're amazing.
buddha boy. sorry. my bad.
P.S. LOVE the new layout!!
very funny mom. you're such a yellow!
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