This is the second book that I used. It is called SuperFlex and The Unthinkables. This is more like a story blook with characters. Super Flex is the one that helps everyone when they are being attacked by The Unthinkables. There are fourteen unthinkable behaviors. They are Rock Brain (inflexible), Glass Man (throws fits), Mean Jean (bossy and mean), Wasfunnyonce (silly when it is serious time and tells the same jokes over and over), DOF TheDestroyer of Fun (too competitive, ruins the game), One-Sided Sid (always has to talk about himself), The Un-Wonderer (never asks anyone questions about them), Topic Twister Meister (always brings the subject to what he wants to talk about), Worry Wall (always stressed), Brain Eater (distracted by video games, computer, and TV), Space Invader (gets too close and too touchy), Energy Hare-y (hyper), Body Snatcher (gets people to wander away from the group), and Grump Grumpaniny (always negative, never positive).
I was concerned that this is a way for kids to call each other names, and I am going to watch that closely. It is important to refer to them as behaviors. Again, I have been very surprised about how much the kids have absorbed all of this. It has been surprising for the kids to realize that some of their behaviors are not endearing. Some kids think it is funny to be hyper. They seem surprised to learn that this is UNEXPECTED and UNCOMFORTABLE. Anyway I think it is worth the time to post about it. My kids are always looking for new ideas to help with their kids. This stuff seems to be pretty effective.
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