Friday, August 04, 2006

Firm, Fair, and Consistent

I thought my contribution could be sharing ideas that I am going to be sharing with parents at my school. I am focusing this year on parent involvement. This is the first installment. I would appreciate feedback if this is valuable or a waste. THANKS!!

Find the right discipline balance:

Research indicates that being a nurturing parent-not too harsh and not too lenient-helps children behave best. This requires being kind, understanding and helpful. Here are some nurturing messages to send your child:

I care about you.
I will be calm when you tell me difficult things.
I will help you learn from mistakes.
We are learning together.
I have confidence in you.
I hear what you are saying.
I am so happy you are my child.
You are an important part of the family.
I love you.



mk said...

I like this. I just need to have alternative methods for discipline when SOMEBODY wants to SPANK! Please help!!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

yea, mom, it's great advice and desperately needed!!!