Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hi, everyone!
I was just wondering if anybody had any tips for getting Max to go longer stretches of sleep at night without the whole crying thing? Not that I mind getting up every 2 hours, but, for HIS sake;)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It's kind of frustrating to read Dr. Brazelton and Dr. Sears book saying that at his age he should be sleeping 10-12 hour stretches. I'm thinking 4 hours on a regular basis would be FABULOUS!
Anyways, thanks for your help:)


mk said...

Did you get my text about the books? Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Hogg & Blau and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth

mk said...

you have to get rid of one of the feedings in the early am. (he'll be fine eating every 4 hours) start by slowly cutting the time/amount down, don't just cut cold turkey. unfortunatly i'm afraid you're going to have to just let him cry. just remember that crying is good for his lungs!!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

I didn't get your text, Jenn, but I'll look that up at the library. Trace- is that how you got Spence to sleep or was he always good??