Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Hunt (delayed) Part 1

Today we had our Easter Egg Hunt that was scheduled for last week. It was a great success. Jeff and fam, Kels and fam, Liz and fam were all able to come. Jenn and fam will "hunt" next week when they are all well. We had a lot of fun. We have a lot of things to be thankful for. The weather even turned our way. It was a little cool, but we saw the sun, and it looked awfully good to me. We also celebrated Kelsey and Isaac's birthdays. Landmark birthdays for both. I won't mention why for Kelsey, but for Isaac Gelder Lewis, it is number 12. Tomorrow he will be receiving the Aaronic Priesthood. If all goes well, Papa Bill will be standing in that circle! (This might be the last time we have to explain Jeff's hair. He is waiting to hear if he has been selected for the part of Peter in the church produced movie being done in Utah. We hear he might cut and shave tonight)

P.S. Thanks again to Liz and Josh for being Easter Bunny helpers above and beyond the call of duty!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Rest and Recuperation

Bill had a wonderful night. We were so glad to have him home in his own bed. He slept great. The pain is still bad, but seems a bit better every day. His blood pressure could be worse, and it could be better. Blood pressure seems to be an indicator of how his arteries are working so that is why we are always paying attention to it. It "seems" to be improving, so we are hopeful. Meanwhile he is taking it easy, and we are both so grateful that he is feeling as well as he is. We are so thankful for the lessons that we learn through these experiences. Lessons about faith and hope. Lessons about the goodness of the many people that we know and love. Lessons about caring friends and neighbors that take time from their busy schedules to check in on us. Heavenly Father knows us and loves us, but it is through the hands of others that He meets our needs.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Maybe Tomorrow

Pain is still much improved. His appetite is still good today. He looks good, and his color is good. Unfortunately his blood pressure is running low. They are thinking/hoping it is from the extra heavy dialysis. Dialysis can dehydrate a person. It was showing some small improvements tonight. We'll see. Fingers crossed. Prayers said. Love/Gratitude to all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Turning A Corner on Pain

What a difference a day can make. It never ceases to amaze me how things can/do/will turn around. Tonight when I left, Bill hadn't had a pain pill for ten hours. Not only that, but he said he wanted to try to "tough it out". That is the first time he has said anything but, "When can I have another pill?" So I would say that is huge progress. He is also talking about coming home. His appetite is better. When he saw me this afternoon, the first thing he wanted to talk about was having a bite of my hamburger. I didn't even have a hamburger. I went and got him one, and he actually ate a whole one of his own. These are big changes. He really seems to be feeling better tonight. His blood pressure continues to be low. This is a concern. This could be pain meds or the really heavy dialysis they have been doing in the hospital. We shall see. That is a worry for tomorrow. Today we will take the small and simple improvements. As for me....even though a third grader asked me today who I wanted to win the NBA, and I couldn't even answer cause I didn't even know who was playing (this is pretty pathetic), I managed a trip to the mall on my way home and replaced my UGGS. The ones that Maddie had so much fun destroying!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Slow and Steady

Miracle Man is still in the hospital. He hasn't had any new "events". He is still in for pain management and rehab. He seems to be making a little bit of progress every day. The doctors feel good about everything. No one is talking about when he will come home, except MK. We are so grateful for all of the love and support. AMAZING!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good News.....Bad News

The good news is that Miracle Man is still a miracle. His heart muscle is doing better than ever. Its function is back to where it was, and that is good. His stent seems to be working. (the only true way to know is an angiogram), but we'll take the ultrasound for now. He gets to have a few days of rest and recuperation at the IMC Marriott.

The bad news is that the pain is unbearable. Those of you that know Bill well, know that he has a very high tolerance for pain. Today we discovered officially that he has three broken ribs. Hard to be upset about it when it saved his life, but never the less, there it is. We were trying to manage it at home. MM was counting the minutes til his next Lortab, and MK was in the bathroom shaving them down. Not that I wanted him to suffer, but when I checked his BP and Pulse, and they were 70 and 30 respectively, I was concerned. Lortab can lower your BP. When I told him I thought it could kill him, and he wanted it anyway, I knew it was time to go to the hospital.

We tried to squeeze into Dr. Muhlestein's schedule today, but he was at his son's BYU graduation. So we thought we would check his BP at cardio rehab where he works out. When the man that runs it saw him, he was so happy to see him. He likes Bill so much that he had followed every detail of his stay at the hospital. He knew EVERY detail of his labs and progress.
He put Bill in a wheel chair and helped us get to ER. Tender mercies.....Flecks of Gold....

Miracle Man is grateful to be alive. He is very grateful about the news about his heart function. He is very discouraged about the pain, broken ribs, and hospital stay. MK is doing fine. Many have asked about visits. Now would be a WONDERFUL time. He is in the Heart and Lung Building, 4th floor, Room 427.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Live AND Learn

We have all wondered why Bill got so clogged so quickly, as he was just checked in December. Today we might have discovered a clue. When Bill started Peritoneal Dialysis, he had a lot of trouble with his back. He went to an orthopedic doctor who prescribed heavy doses of Aleve. He started taking it. We talked to our internist about this, and he felt more comfortable with a lower dose. So he has been taking four per day for about three months. This helped his back quite a bit. We thought we were safe with it.

Well today I chatted with our cardiologist about heavy doses of Aleve for MM's current pain from the CPR. He said he would prefer that he not take ANY as it would make his arteries worse. This is exacerbated for Bill more than others, because of his lack of kidney function, but never the less, GOOD TO KNOW, and worth sharing. I am sure that I share more medical explanations than some care to hear, but I think it is good to share the things we learn. If it helps even one, it is great. This could explain why he got so clogged so fast!


I am surprised that someone could have as much energy as Bill does after what he has been through. He got up yesterday and cleaned up. He had some problems with his dialysis machine, and he had to take it in to SL. He drove in and had the energy for it.

I am surprised that someone could have as much pain as Bill does after what he has been through. Agonizing. He didn't sleep one bit on Monday night. The place where they thumped him on the chest is unbearably sore. He had a Priesthood Blessing and some good advice about Aleve from our awesome home teacher and neighbor last evening. Because of that I would say he got five good hours of sleep. He probably has a broken sternum. Still so grateful to be home and doing as well as he is otherwise. Thanks, everyone, for your love and support!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is

Miracle Man is home today and feeling OK. Moving slowly from sore chest, but happy to be out of the hospital. We truly have been a thousand miles.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Homeward Bound

Miracle Man is spending his last night in the hospital tonight. At least for this trip. At least that is what the doctors say. They are kicking him out in the AM. He had a restful night and a quiet day. Just what he needed. He is ready to come home. He got his phone back tonight from Jeff. I am sure Jeff was happy to return it and all that it meant. Feel free to call him. If it is a bad time, he just won't answer. 801-381-5897. I asked him if he was scared, and he said "Of what?". Ask me if I am scared. I am looking for a home for him. I don't know CPR.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Move

There is a lot of difference between the 4th and 5th floor of the Heart and Lung Building. On the 4th floor you get out of the elevator and walk to the room. You walk into a room that has a couch that makes into a bed for overnight guests. You have a bathroom with a door. Simple pleasures. On the 5th floor, you have to call a special number after you get off the elevator. Then if the nurse says it is OK, you can go back to the room. You have a toilet with a curtain around it. Well, sort of a curtain. You can be an overnight guest if you make your floor bed where it isn't in the way. Bill was moved to the 4th floor today. Hurrah! He had a really good day. He is eating and walking (carefully) around. He is very tired because he didn't sleep much last night. Tonight his chest is very sore from where they did the chest compressions. Small price to pay. Otherwise, he is in great shape. Dr. M. said we are going to start doing some angiograms before we have a problem. Thanks to all, for everything. I am embarrassed to say that I left a sink full of dirty dishes when we went to the ER. Today when I came home they were all washed. The most awesome thing about that is that there are a hundred different sisters that might have done it. So many good deeds. So many blessings. So few words.

Good Bye Cardiac ICU!!

Bill could not be doing better. His "numbers" are perfect. He pulled out his feeding tube. accidentally, so that is gone. They are not going to put another one in. He ate a bit this AM. He is going to be moved sometime this afternoon to a regular room. The critical care doc said he might go home the first part of the week. The cardiologist would have to approve that. He FEELS great. Thanks everyone for your support on this "ride". We have felt so much love and support. Everyone asks "what can we do?". The calls, emails, texts, prayers of love and support is exactly what you can and did do! We love you all. We are feeling so grateful!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Thousand Miles

When Tyler came by today he said, "Dad, you've come a thousand miles". Never truer words spoken. Heart balloon pump gone. Breathing tube gone. Feeding tube tomorrow! Bill talking! WOW! What a big day.


Heart balloon pump is out. Bleeding is minimal. BP perfect with no meds or machinery. Trach tube out maybe today, maybe tomorrow. SO grateful.


Bill has passed the test two times over. His BP is doing great. Still no BP medicine. We have been waiting for the cardiologist. He was just in. He said he was going to take him off the machine. Unfortunately, (not kidding) he has a lecture to give. He is going to be back around 12:15. (again doctor speak) Bill's spirits are good. We are full of faith. Also new good news. He had an ultra sound this AM. That is the best way to determine heart function except angiogram. His EF went from 20-35. VERY GOOD NEWS. Would want it to be 45, but VERY nice improvement. Dr. M just came back. Lecture rescheduled. (not kidding) Pump is coming out!

On our Way

I understand that they take the heart pump away before they take out the trach tube. This is so that if he has a problem when they take away the heart support, the tube will be in place. They have turned the heart pump down to 1:4. It was 1:1. One Bill beat, one pump beat is 1:1. Four Bill beats, one pump beat is 1:4. That (1:4) is like almost no support from the pump. He has been 1:4 for about a half and hour and his blood pressure is holding with no support from medicines. If he continues for another half hour, they will take him off the pump. Keep in mind that this is all "doctor time" and Dr. M hasn't been on the scene yet. SO I THOUGHT this would be a good time for everyone to be having good thoughts and prayers. Love to ALL!!

Quiet Night

Doing great. Blood Pressure holding without meds. Quiet night. Spirits good. Writing notes about business at 4 AM. Still very puffy. They are doing dialysis night and day to get fluids off. Almost all, or all labs back and no infection. Haven't seen any docs yet. Might have more to report. Last night's nurse made my floor bed and tucked me in. Very touched. Such wonderful care we are getting. Such wonderful love, prayers and support. Awesome kids. We are grateful for our blessings.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Steps

Bill rested all day. They decreased some of the medicine that helps his blood pressure to stay up, and he did fine with that. He did better breathing, but not quite well enough to get rid of the tube. Hopefully tomorrow. Everything is little bit better. He is doing dialysis almost around the clock to get rid of the fluid overload they gave him on the 9th floor. I left around six tonight because 6-8 is what they call "shift change", and they ask visitors to leave the room. Any way when Jeff and I came back in at 8, he looked like a new man. His color is awesome, and I thought it was good before. He was "frisky". He wanted to write notes. The first one said "I feel good", and of course the second one said, "I love you". The third one we had to guess. He wanted his face washed!! The nurse figured it out. Anyway the nurse informed us that she is weaning him off of his last blood pressure medicine, and his BP is GREAT! I am going to say we turned a corner. "Ye shall receive no witness until after the trial of your faith". Big day for faith rewarded. So thankful for Priesthood Blessings. He got another one today. Thanks everyone. You can't imagine how we feel your love and support! Sorry these seem to be so long. I always think it can be short, but then it takes on a life of its own.


Dr. Muhlestein, our cardiologist, was just in. He said that they are going to try to remove the balloon pump tomorrow. He said that he has improved. His cardiac "index" (2.7) and cardiac "output" (6) are better than what they were. His nurse reminds me that a balloon pump and meds are helping him with these numbers. His spirits are good today. He is smiling as best he can with what he has attached to him. We can only talk with yes/no questions. He says he is as comfortable as he can be, considering. He says he has lots of questions. He says he is happy to still be here with us. AMEN. Again we are SO grateful for all of the love and support!

The Miracle Continues

Quiet night, so grateful. I slept steady from 12 to 5. The nurse said he didn't even wake up when she changed his dressing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Optimistic with Reasonable Reason"

Today's events included dialysis, feeding tube inserted, and PICC line put in. All were successful and all to be expected. The only hitch today was a bit of A -fibrillation with his heart that was controlled with medication. This is also something that typically happens. The doctors say that all things considered, he is doing very well. Not A+, but certainly passing. He is going to have dialysis again through the night. He has lots and lots of fluid that still needs to come off.

This morning started out with Bill trying to write me notes to give Jeff. I gave Bill's phone to Jeff and told him that he was in charge of it and all that having it meant. If you know Bill, then you know that his phone is his office, career, and livelihood. This was a big responsibility for Jeff. Bill has a trach tube down his throat and can't talk. He has his hands tied to his bed so he can't pull anything out of his body. He can't do anything except lay perfectly flat. You can imagine what his notes looked like. Actually we finally understood what he was trying to tell us. Dr. Cline told me that he was telling everyone about how his patient was doing business from a cell phone with a trach tube the day after a very hard day.

We are hearing more and more about the miracles of yesterday. We have yet to meet all of the people that saved his life. The doctors are pretty happy with themselves and Bill for his miraculous recovery. Most people don't survive what happened to him four times yesterday. Pretty amazing. He is a tired boy tonight. The prayer for tomorrow is that we get rid of something...anything. Probably, hopefully, the trach tube. That is the hardest. Maybe the pump, too. We'll see. We cannot even begin to thank everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and expressions of love and support. Bill has affected so many lives, and he is ours today. Our cardiologist said that we can be "optimistic with reasonable reason". And we are grateful for that.

Choosing Faith

This morning I had a WONDERFUL "conversation with Bill. Me talking, him nodding. He was VERY alert. VERY awake, and VERY expressive with his eyes. He knows what he has been through and survived. He knows that he has to successfully get rid of a breathing tube and balloon pump. Faith...he's got it. Thanks to all. Kids here all day yesterday with love and support. So many prayers and good wishes from many. SO appreciated. Love to all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This past week Bill had been having some bouts with low blood pressure on and off. Sunday night he started with a loose stomach. Monday AM, he was vomiting. Otherwise he felt ok. By 6:30 Monday evening he felt he needed a blood test. He thought he must have an infection. The lab results looked pretty good. His blood pressure came up a bit after they gave him a small amount of fluid. They were ready to send him home. They told him he had to get up and walk around before he could go. As soon as he got up, his BP went down again. So they gave him more fluid. It didn't help. By midnight, they decided to admit him. Just for observation and hoping to work out his dialysis so he wouldn't be dehydrated. We got to a room about 2. His BP had dropped again. At 3 am he had his first code blue. Before they did anything, he came to. Didn't seem like a big deal. By 6 am they decided he needed to go the the ICU. His cardiologist told me they were going to take him to the cath lab and see what was going on with his heart. When we got to his room, he was having another code blue. They brought him "back from the brink". He had another one on the way and one when they got there. They were able to stabilize him enough to do the procedure. He had a complete blockage in one of his three main arteries. They were able to put a stent in and open it completely up. All of his other stents are holding up well. Very good news. They also inserted a balloon pump to help his damaged heart muscle. This is, hopefully, temporary. The doctors say that he is doing as well as can be expected. He has a breathing tube which is very uncomfortable, so they have him heavily sedated. When he comes to a bit, he is responding to commands which is a very good sign. He has been taken off 100% oxygen to 60 to 40 and handling that well. Healthy people get 20% from room air. We are full of faith and hoping to keep him with us. The next 24 hours are important. Prayers always appreciated. Love to all and so grateful for your love and concern.

Say a little prayer

To everyone who knows Bill, please remember him today- he's in the hospital. It feels like a horrible roller coaster ride sometimes, but his stupid heart must be too big for his body because it's acting up again and giving the dr’s a run for their money.

Please say a little prayer or something for him and my mom... I think they could use all the "positive vibes" they can get. (I think we've got all the Temples in Utah called. I don't think it hurts to shoot for more!)


Saturday, April 09, 2011


I hate to overshadow Ole's Conference moment, but thought these were worth sharing! My mother-in-law gave me a cookbook for Christmas and these scones are in them. DELISH!

2 packages dry yeast (I take that to mean 4 1/2 tsp)
1/4 C warm water
2 TBS sugar
1/4 C milk, scalded
3 eggs, beaten
2 tsp salt
6 1/2 C flour (divided)

Combine yeast, warm water, and sugar in a small bowl. In another bowl, mix butter and scalded milk and cool. Add beaten eggs to cooled milk mixture. Add yeast and then stir salt with 2 C flour and mix.
Stir in the rest of the flour by hand (or wooden spoon!) and mix. Cover bowl and place somewhere warm for about an hour.
Roll it out to about 1 inch thick. The recipe says to cut into 2" squares but I just use a cup and cut out circles. Pat each one down and let rest for 20 mins. or so.
Get your oil going and when it's hot enough, add a few scones at a time and fry til' golden. Serve with butter, honey, powdered sugar, jam, whatever!

This recipe actually makes 4 dozen so you'd better halve it like me. And I generally toss out a lot of the dough in the end as it is. So enjoy:)

ALSO...I happened upon this yummy buttercream frosting recipe:
2 C shortening
8 cups powdered sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBS vanilla (clear!)
6 fluid ounces heavy cream

In a large bowl cream shortening with mixer until fluffy. Add sugar, 2 C at a time until blended. Add salt, vanilla, and heavy cream. blend until well combined, then blend on high until frosting is light and fluffy. If you need more cream, you can add up to 2 TBS.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Faith and Florida

Birthday shopping at Target with Tinkerbell wearing her Uggs.
Front yard of the new house.
Max and London giving me a tour of the house.
My little Ironman Max!

This last week I took a trip to Florida to spend time with Lindsay, Morgan, Max, and London in celebration of Max's 5th Birthday! We got to look at alligators, bike ride, make skirts, have pedicures, eat popcorn, check out Max's preschool, play Bananagrams, meet his teacher, meet new friends, dress up, watch Tangled, and RELAX!

It took a lot of faith to leave my old man home to fend for himself. He had some business to take care of, so he opted to stay in Utah. Our flying leap of faith was rewarded with a great, safe trip, and a happy, healthy Bill. Now MK knows what Bill already knew. He can certainly take care of himself. Thanks Lindsay and Morgan for a wonderful trip. Max and London, you are the cutest ever. Thanks for the kisses and the snuggles and letting me share your fun week.