Monday, July 07, 2008

Spencer is not a toy!!!

Gramma has been busy since we got home from the trip so I decided to try this "blogging" thing and let everyone know about how much fun we had.

I had a long plane trip from Philadelphia before I even got there. It was fun to see Valley Forge the day we left. We got to Newport a day ahead of everyone. We got to see the house before the Utah folks got to town. I liked the ocean, but mostly I liked the beach. It was fun to dig and bury. The best was seeing Buzz at Disneyland. It was fun for me to take my dad, because he has never been. It was fun to be there with my cousins and grandparents. I really liked most of the rides. I think my parents had fun. My dad fixed a great taco meal for everyone. Everybody really liked it. They swam in the ocean, looked for star fish, went to Laguna Beach, and Balboa Island. Mom and Gramma found a great candy store in Laguna. Wouldn't you know?? We also got to see Wall-E. That was fun. I am not sure Gramma liked it as much as I did, but oh well. Our rental car even took a ferry ride from the island to the peninsula. That was WAY cool. Kate and Max were OK, but sometimes they treated me like a toy and I had to say firmly, but nicely, "SPENCER is NOT a toy!"

My mom and aunts were glad they got to see their cousin, Brandon, and his wife, Nicole. She brought us the best and biggest cupcakes I have ever seen. They have a really cute little girl named Ellie. Kate was glad to have another girl there. They also got to see their Uncle Craig and Cousin Amanda, too. That was fun. My gramma's cousin, John, is a cool dude. He gets to live at Newport all year long!!

Kate liked hangin' on the beach with me, but she was afraid of the ocean. She got better as the time went on, but she was watching it very closely. She didn't like much about Disneyland. John was OK with it. He just mostly hung out in the stroller. Her mom had fun cooking great food for everyone. The steak she fixed was awesome, as was the spaghetti. She really liked doing the bike/stroller thing. Kate loved going out on the pier to eat at Ruby's. She thought the ocean was "sparkly". She wanted to get through the little fence to check it out. She was sure glad to see her daddy when he came. Her mom was VERY glad to see her daddy. They had a lot of fun playing on the beach together. When we went to Fashion Island, Kate was nice about sharing her ice cream with me, but she got it all over my face. I was annoyed until I tasted it and then I wanted some more. She really liked the nursery at church. She was upset when we left after Sacrament Meeting. Girls??? Go figure?? Gramma said that Kate cried when they got home and didn't want to get out of the truck. She wanted to go back "to da beach!!"

Max is our official tour guide at Newport. He has been there so many times that he really knows his way around. He had already had a week to check everything out. He knew all of the cool things to do at Disneyland. He sure likes Buzz. His parents are so cool!! They took him back for a second trip just so that Auntie Liz could go. Isaac got to go too. LUCKY!! They got to eat at a cool place in Disneyland. They like a place called Club 33. I hope my dad gets that idea for us. Max likes to shop with his parents. He helped his folks find a lot of cute new things for his new baby sister that is coming in November. Max and I had way fun with our cool guns. We also had a lot of fun riding the merry go round at Fashion Island. Max liked hangin' out at the fountains. He showed me some cool stores that I am going to have to go back and check out. His parents really liked hangin' out at the beach. Max and Kate liked having the ocean chase them. They got pretty brave, for little squirts. Max and his parents had to drive to Utah on Sunday. They are going to be in Utah for a month. Max's dad is practicing to be a doctor.

Sometimes I got along with Eli, and sometimes we did battle. We had fun with his dad. He held us up by out feet out on the beach. I sure liked that. Eli got to do a lot of fun things with his brothers, Isaac and Jonah. In November they will have ANOTHER brother!! They got to go to Disneyland. They stayed til MIDNIGHT!! COOL!! They also got to go on bikes and go to a skateboard park. I did get to ride my skateboard around Laguna with Gramma. Eli stayed up in the apartment with his other cousins and parents. They were pretty crowded, but they never complained. Eli's brother, Jonah, couldn't figure out why Gramma would have us stay at such a wild place on the 4th of July. Newport Beach gets locked down for that day. No cars in, and no cars out. PARTY- PARTY!! The upstairs renters were PARTY CENTRAL! It was kind of scary, except when Captain Jack Sparrow visited.

Noah and Stefan loved the beach. Noah really likes hanging out with the big boys. They spent a lot of time in the ocean. Jonah and Noah got to go to dinner with Jonah's parents and they had fun. Noah and Stefan got to to see some friends of their mom's. They really enjoyed getting to see their mom's cousin, Leslie, who lives near by. Their parents got sushi for us, and that was a big hit!! Noah was excited that his Uncle Trace came. He and Lisa are a lot of fun. They missed Tyler, Mariah, and Toryn. Maybe next time! They were glad they got to go home in an airplane. Gramma and Papa brought all of the bike gear down for the kids in Papa's truck. Gramma said they looked just like the Beverly Hillbillies. I don't know, because I don't know who that is.

Gramma and Papa said that they had a lot of fun. They said the best part was just getting to spend time together and hang out at the ocean. They both really like the ocean a lot. Weird that old people like something so fun. They were so glad that everyone got back home safely and with all of their kids. I don't get why they wouldn't take their kids home, but oh well.

We had a long day home in the airplane. We had to stay over in Phoenix for two hours, and then drive from Philly to Whitehall. We didn't get home until after midnight. I am glad to be home. I think it would be fun to go back to the beach some day, but Gramma needs to get a bigger house, with ceiling fans, and.....and......


Jenn said...

So dang cute. Spencer, you are such a talented and articulate young man! I love your p-o-v of events. Only, you forgot to mention how much YOU LOVE to see your Uncle Codye!
Well, Kate sure enjoyed you. And one of my fondest memories of the trip was the sound your little flat feet made running down the tile hallway. You are too cute. We love you buddy!

Norton Family said...

He may not be potty trained but articulate he is. What a great story mom, so creative and CUTE!!!! I had know idea what a great writer my son was.