Monday, August 10, 2009

Some thoughts on hope

I know I don't ever do this, but it's late, I can't sleep, and I'm overwhelmed with thoughts that I need to put down. This is one reason I should keep a journal, but that's just one more thing there isn't time for in the day, right?
Whenever I come up to Utah for a visit, I feel like I get a reality check. I talk with my mom every day, sometimes a lot more, but until I am here, I don't really see and understand how bad things are for my dad. When he had his first kidney transplant (courtesy of an awesome brother-in-law) I had a lot of mixed emotions. I couldn't understand why this had to happen to my "good" dad. Why the one who treated my mother like royalty had to be inflicted with this misfortune? Then he started to do well and I was grateful for the lesson that life isn't always fair, but Heavenly Father is mindful of us. I learned that He sends blessings in different ways. I was so grateful when Bill recovered from the transplant and was doing well.
Then over the past few years there have been some major setbacks. Infections, viruses, doctor oversights, you name it. A few months ago the decision was made to remove his kidney and go on dialysis. It was the last option. He spends 4-5 hours a day, 3 days a week on dialysis. The side effects of dialysis and all of the medications he's taking because of it are immense. I wouldn't even call them side-effects, a more appropriate term would be entree effects. They are not just things you deal with and get on with your day, they are things you endure just hoping to get through the day. This is a man who used to give horse back rides to my son all around the house now he can barely spend half a day at work due to exhaustion and other physical ailments. To make matters more complicated, his red blood levels have gotten so low that he has been hospitalized twice for blood transfusions. This is difficult because it makes it that much harder to find a match for his kidney. Which is what we are all praying for and which brings me to my whole point of this post. I pray for my dad often, I know a lot of people do. I know there are so many people out there that are thinking of him, praying for his recovery. He has been such an influence in so many lives and it's shown in how many kidney offers he has received. He is an incredible man and an even more incredible father. I owe so many things to him, I couldn't even begin to express. I just wanted to share a tender mercy I had tonight while I was saying my prayers. While praying, I had a very deep sense of hope for my dad. A feeling of security that he will be ok, that his life will be blessed. I had a strong feeling that he will be healthy again, that we will all be blessed with his presence for a while longer. I felt a hope that I hadn't felt since his health has started to decline and I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father for blessing me with that comfort. And I want my dad to know that while he's suffering now, that he won't always have to. That Jesus suffered for us and knows what you're going through and can comfort you when you need it, because he's been there. And I know that He is watching out for you, and for all of us. I love you, dad, and I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Sometimes I know it looks like things can't get any worse, and then another rotten thing happens.
Just remember to hope.


Jenn said...

Ok, I made the serious mistake of reading this while I'm IN the hospital room with bill. He's here for a while, I'm guessing. Since I haven't had internet, I seized the opportunity to read this on mom's laptop. TEARS. Lots and lots of tears.
I love this post- it makes me feel so happy to know that SOMEBODY is getting some form of comfort.
We love you Bill.

Sara and Company said...

Bill....I have always treasured you and your amazing personality. You are in my prayers. I am so sorry this is still such a hard struggle. Thinking of you.

mk said...

Jenn this really meant a lot to Bill.