Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I had thought I would do this the other day, and then I let it go. Tonight I was inspired by cousin Patty's post, and I just couldn't let the day go unremembered.

I was getting ready to go to school. We were watching the events on TV. I was still teaching 6th grade at the time. The kids were pretty shaken up. We always did "current events" in the morning. I will never forget that the news up until that day was all about the sharks in Florida. It seemed that every day there was a new attack. After 9/11, we didn't hear about the sharks any more.

We visited DC that October. We had planned the trip before the attacks. It was devastating to see the Pentagon. It was amazing to see all of the flags everywhere, including the one on the Pentagon. All of the houses were covered with them, wherever we went. I will always be grateful for the spirit of patriotism and unity that we felt in those days. I was grateful to read the stories of heroism that had taken place. The story of the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania is still inspiring. We will always remember, always.

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