Monday, June 27, 2011

"The Note" (maybe this will help me feel better)

Well OK, I wasn't that OK with waiting clear til Thursday. I did have his sweater, and that gave me some security. There was something about my guy that I hadn't yet learned. Probably the greatest lesson that I ever learned from him. He was honest and straightforward. If he said it, he meant it. He didn't ever say things just to make people feel good. He never hid his emotions or tried to sugar coat anything. There were no "games" played. This was very new to me at that time in my life. I was raised with people that played games. Actually I learned more from my guy about communicating than I did in my masters' program. Anyway, he had told me that he had a good time. I should have known that he meant it, and that I would hear from him again. But, because I hadn't learned these important lessons yet, by Thursday I was getting nervous about not hearing from him. So I came up with the idea of writing a note. I can tell you exactly what it said because I wrote it down in my journal. "Dear Bill, Nice walks (Nice was underlined). Thank you!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. You deserve it--mk." Of course I had to get approval from one of my trusted advisors. This time it was JoLynn. She advised that I do it. I dropped the note by his apartment about 3:30 that afternoon. Now you realize that the risk of the note is that if he called me after he got it, I would forever wonder if he only called because of a "beggar" note. Boy, was I rewarded. He called me at 3:40 FROM HIS OFFICE. He called me without even having received the note!! He wanted to know if I was going for a walk. Funny, cause he knew I walked every day. He said he was going to call it a day at work and wanted to know if he could call me when he got home. We took little Heidi -dog on this walk. Heidi was our miniature schnauzer. She was Heidi until Bill came into our life. Then she became known as "Heidi-dog". Heidi was annoying, but she did get us all tangled up in her chain a couple of times, which was rather pleasant. He told me all about his diabetes. He was cooking for the boys again so it was an early evening. He brought me home and walked me in. He stayed for about ten minutes. When he left he said, "I want you to know that I appreciate the note." My clever response was, "Well I appreciate the walks". And that was date three.


Liz said...

I think I remember this is the first time I really met Bill. I was really, really shy I remember. Then you had him over for dinner and then I was all about asking him to be my dad!

Jenny said...

I love your story. Although u are failing to mention who REALLY got you two together. Um, hello!!! Who delivered fresh squeezed OJ to him on the way to the bus stop!!!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

So funny how you two got to really experience dating...I LOVE it!!