Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Five Scriptures That WIll Strengthen Your Marriage" Part 1

I have been reading a book by John Bytheway, and he gets all credit for the ideas presented here. Sometimes we hear things that change our life or how we think about things because they ring true. That is how this book affected me. I am working on my next Relief Society lesson, and this is the outline for it.
Scripture 1.."Remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another" (D and C 90:24). There is no one else on this earth that we have made a covenant with except our spouse. When we struggle to make decisions that affect our marriage--and almost every decision does--our first and best strategy is to remember our covenants. We have to remind ourselves that we don't have a covenant with our kids, parents, work, hobbies, church calling, or friends. He says that his marriage thrives when he and his wife remember their covenant to each other. It is incredibly affirming to have a wife who makes him feel that he is first in her life, who hangs up the phone when he walks in, and who understands that he likes to have time alone with her each day. It is sad to get more excitement from the dog than by the one with whom he has made and received covenants.

1 comment:

Liz said...

it's always good to hear this. thanks for sharing.