Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Moon

The next Sunday I found myself behind him in the hall at church. We exchanged the typical "How are you's?", but I thought they were all full of hidden meanings. After church he waved me into his Sunday School class and invited me for a walk. Of course I said yes and promptly invited him to Sunday dinner. I was watching his reaction very closely and thought he seemed very pleased. He said that he would love to. We decided on five. He was late because he had been home teaching. The kids were great, not nervous or silly. I was a wreck. Liz talked non stop. Right in the middle of dinner she said, "How about you just come and live with us?" We all laughed. It wasn't awkward as one would expect. Dinner went pretty well. We had the typical Sunday dinner. Roast and mashed potatoes. If I remember right, the blender broke, and I had no masher, but oh well. I was never going to be able to hide the fact that my talents are not in the kitchen. After dinner we retired to the tramp. The kids showed off for him. He jumped for them, then I jumped. We had a lot of fun. We then took a walk. Don and Merlene Moss had bought the home that he had built at the end of the cul de sac. They had asked him to come down to ask him some questions about the house. Mostly My Guy was with Don, and I was with Merlene. Don and Merlene found love with each other late in life, and if I remember correctly we heard their love story. If not that night, then we did hear it another night. We were there for two hours! It was our first time to be together around other people, and it felt really nice to me. After we left, we just continued our walk around the circle. He pointed out the moon to me, and it really was beautiful that night. He always points out a beautiful moon. I don't have a very good memory for things, and most all I write about is word for word from my journal, but I remember that moon on that night like it was yesterday. I had been beginning to wonder what our relationship was about. Were we just going to be friends or was their romance in the air? When he pointed out the moon to me, I remember thinking that maybe that was my answer about our relationship. If I had known him better, I would have known that he was just pointing out a beautiful moon. I think he was also sending me a message. When he was ready to be romantic, I would not have to wonder. You can only imagine how I feel when I see one of those beautiful moons.


Norton Family said...

i LOVE these Journal entries! They are priceless. i love you mom!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

Love it! Love u guys!