Monday, May 16, 2011

Dr. M. is feeling cautious.

No one is very excited that the symptoms continue to persist. Bill's BP has come up a bit, but the nausea/gagging still goes on. We are going in for an angiogram on Wednesday. The doctor wants to be on the "ahead" side of any event, rather than the "behind" side. This is not a painful procedure. Miracle Man will probably be awake through out. If they find any kind of blockage, they will fix it, and he will spend the night. If they find all clear, they won't do anything, and he will come home that day. We both feel good about this. The pain is still with us. Bill is trying to use as little medicine as possible. He is tired of not being able to eat. Hoping that as the medicine clears out of his system, he will feel like eating.

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