Tuesday, March 13, 2012

16 Treatments

I have had this post in my head for a while, and was inspired to finally do it by the great message included with this picture.

There is a talk in the Ensign from January, written by Elder Christopherson. He tells about the time in his life when he was having a lot of financial difficulties. It seemed to go on for quite a while. He tells the story of how his mom helped him through this. In the 1950's his mother survived radical cancer surgery, which had been followed by dozens of painful radiation treatments. She recalled to him that her mother had taught her something during that time that had helped her ever since. She said that she was so sick and so weak that one day she said to her mother, "Oh, Mother, I can't stand having 16 more of those treatments." Her mother said, "Can you go today?". She said, "Yes." Her mother said, "Well, honey, that's all you have to do today." Elder Christopheron's mother told him that it had helped her many times when she needed to remember to take one day or one thing at a time.

We don't have to live our whole life today, whether it is pain, or sorrow, or the challenges that come our way. Today we only have to get through this one.


patty said...

This post goes straight to my heart, MK. I am going to reread that talk; they are words to live by. Thank you!

Liz said...

Love it!

Norton Family said...

LOVE LOVE IT! thanks for the uplifting reminders! i'm putting this one on my fridge.

Melissa said...

I really like your post and picture. It is very insightful and much needed. Thank you.