Friday, March 16, 2012

Such a sight..

You would never believe me if I told you how many times I have tried to get a great picture of the deer that roam around Eastern Bountiful. I get my camera ready, I roll my window down way ahead, but as soon as my car slows down, they dash away. Not so this week. I rolled my window down way ahead, and got my camera all zoomed in before I got close. I barely slowed down once I had passed them and circled back. This house is next door to my school. So there you go. Ought to put a smile on anyone's face.


Liz said...

I love deer!!

patty said...

I adore their white rear ends. They can be real pests, but they are so cool to watch.

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

my kids LOVE those deer!!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

my kids LOVE those deer!!