Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Never Would Have Thought...

I never would have thought that I would have read a book like "Pioneer Woman" and enjoyed it as much as I did. It is a sweet love story. It is not about Pioneers or Mormons or anything even close to that . It is the story of Ree Drummond and her rancher boyfriend/husband. I am sure I could never have finished reading it, except for the fact that it is a true story. Besides enjoying the story, it has inspired me to do more posting. She has a blog and that is how her book got started. She began by posting about their courtship. She has written guidelines on her blog about posting. The ones that inspired me were to Be Yourself, Do it Often, Be Varied, and Talk as if You Were Talking To Your Sister. I actually think it was her guidelines that inspired me even more that her book or blog. I don't have a sister, so this is a nice replacement, and all the more reason for me to do it.

A few weeks ago I did a post called "A Perfect Day". That phrase has a whole new meaning these days. The bar is quite a bit lower. I don't know that I would call today a "perfect day", but some nice things did happen. Miracle Man is not in the hospital. He is still in a world of pain, but he is at home. His pain is really bad because he is trying to stop taking so much medicine. He has reduced it by more than half. Yesterday he only had one of the really strong ones, instead of three or four. Today he has only had five Tylenol so far. He is hurting, but bearing it. He still has no appetite. He is still sick to his stomach. His blood pressure seems to be trying to go up a bit. Certainly, not as much as we would hope for, but heading in the right direction.

Jenn and her kids came out to brighten our day. They ran Maddie til she couldn't walk, and cleaned the playroom. When I say they cleaned the playroom, I mean they REALLY cleaned it. The floor was so sterile that we could put Ty-Guy down on it. She also did some other cleaning in the basement. Yay Jenn!! Yay Kate the Great!! She got her mom's cleaning gene. We love our family and friends and continue to be so grateful for the love and support of everyone.


Jo said...

I appreciate the updates on Bill, MK, as well as the little window on your world. Glad you got to see Temple Square. It truly is glorious, isn't it?

Does Bill really need to cut back on the pain meds, or is he just being tough? You're both in our prayers!

Liz said...

Way to go Bill, way to go Jenn and fam, way to go mom!!

Jenny said...

Mom is amazing for DEALING with a man who is cutting back on his pain meds but certainly needs them!
And yes, the playroom is now glorious. It almost, rather than inviting the grandkids in to "play," is like a nice clean room that the grandkids can go sit in and not touch any of the organized toys!!! At least, that's how my kids felt when we were done!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

YAY I'm so glad the playroom is clean! And Bill, we are everyday just amazed with your strength. We are counting down the days of school for you, too, mom. Love you guys!